Precision Fun-damentals is a fast pace match involving walking with all equipment used during the match. The match consists of 7 stages shot at 100, 300 and 500 yards. Stages contain shooting from various positions: standing, sitting or kneeling and prone. All shooting is on paper with a variety of targets used: bulls-eye, KYL, moving or popping up targets.
Pre-registration is required. Register via Practiscore –
Equipment Needed
Eye and ear protection is required. Competitors may use a different rifle at each distance. Muzzle loaders are not permitted.
Bring around 150 rounds of ammunition. The DND does not permit handloaded ammunition. Allowed calibers depend on the range used for a match and cover most common calibers.
Registration is at 8:30 am, followed by range set-up. Late-comers cannot be accommodated. Shooting and prize giving is over by about 3:30 PM. We do not stop for lunch, so pack something to eat and drink on the range.
Camp Borden, usually on the Amiens Range, confirmation made during registration.
ORA Members – $45
Non-members – $45 plus $40 guest fee